Annie Neat

‘I believe that all people have the ability to step into their power and heal’

 Welcome to my website! I’m so pleased you’ve taken the time to connect with me! 

My name is Annie and my story is one of burn out, feeling disconnected to myself and giving away my power. I decided that enough was enough and took my life into my own hands! Years of practicing yoga, changing my diet, breathwork and therapy enabled me to change my life around and build the business I have today! 

Yoga has been a big part of my journey. I came to Yoga as an adult at a point in my life when I really needed it and started a regular, daily practice. The practice helped me to connect to myself and I changed my diet, my mental health improved, and I became a lot happier in myself. 

This step into the yoga world was the catalyst to me training to be a therapist and breath work facilitator. The change in myself is what made me realise this work, worked! It supported me to develop all the offerings I have for you! 

The shifts and healing I have had through my own work have been profound and it makes me very passionate in supporting others to do the same!



MSc Creative Arts Psychotherapist
Trauma Informed Breathwork Facilitator
Somatic Trauma Therapy Certificate
200hr Vinyasa Yoga Teacher
50hr Restorative Yoga Teacher
50hr Yin Yoga Teacher
Meditation, Mindfulness and Movement Certificate